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Image by feey

January Small Business Feature: Clay With Style

Auburndale, MA

Clay With Style specializes in contemporary polymer clay jewelry, fashion accessories, household and kitchen accessories; when the holiday season comes, they always carry a selection of hand-made Christmas tree ornaments. Part of the fun is coming up with new ways of using this versatile media, of applying these colorful patterns to various everyday objects.

How Did Your Business Get Started?

I’ve always loved crafts. All sorts of crafts – knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, macramé. I’ve always wanted to make beautiful things. It runs in the family. I learned most of those crafts from my mother and grandmother. When I was a kid, I dreamed about being a theatrical designer, but it didn’t happen. Now I’m trying to make that dream come true! I first started making jewelry using beads – store-bought as well as home-found (don’t you love digging in your mom’s boxes?!) but then I discovered polymer clay and fell in love with this fun, versatile media that produces such bright, contemporary jewelry and fashion accessories. Beads didn’t go away completely, but still, nothing can compare with a chance to make something from scratch with your own hands! It was just a hobby at first, and then I gave a friend a necklace for her birthday, and somebody said, "You could sell these!" - and I thought - why not?

Tell Us About A Recent Accomplishment In Your Business:

Things have been slow in during the quarantine; I mostly sell at events and haven't spent much time to promote my business online. So, my accomplishments are mostly for my own enjoyment - finding a new pattern, a new combination of colors, making something I haven't made before.

What Are Your Favorite Products or Services That You Currently Sell?

I love them all, otherwise I wouldn't make them. Around the holiday season my favorites are tree ornaments. Comes summer - colorful pendants and earrings. Even though my business is called Clay with Style, I also have a small, exclusive selection of bead crochet jewelry: necklaces and bracelets. They take a lot of time to make, and I love their smooth texture: making them is as much a pleasure as wearing.

What Advice Do You Have For Someone In The Beginning States Of Owning A Business?

It will be hard, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be bad. There will be a lot of new and unexpected things. Just believe in yourself, and it will turn out well in the end. It means the world to have a strong support from friends and family members.

If There Is A Question That You Wish Was Asked, Please Ask The Question And Answer It Below:

What do you like most about working with polymer clay? It's a very versatile media that produces fun, unexpected results. I've worked with it for quite a while, and it still surpriI almost felt sorry to cut some of the patterns I made, but then, what would I do with a sheet of clay in, say, faux snake pattern? I love the texture. I never polish my pieces or apply varnish (except for tree ornaments, which have to be glossy and sparkling) because I love the smooth matte surface the clay produces.


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